Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dear Enazori, From Ma

Dear Enazori

We bought a piece of land few days back
Dry and barren
The color was almost like the color of my mom's cheeks
Some vermillion mixed with a pocket full of sunshine

The waves of your tiny legs 
Shiver each of my aspiration. 

Now a days I have started painting:

The brush picks up many beautiful colors
To measure your length and breadth. 

You must have felt a green leaf sometimes
On your legs or on your forehead.
Waiting to paint you green
The green leaf too waits with the dawn and dusk. 

One day when you arrive will make you understand
How many times, even I had the shade of this green leaf. 

When you come, the rain drops will make my barren land smile. 

From Ma

BURDEN by Shobha Goswami

One of Shobha Goswami's finest paintings that I am so impressed with that at the first glance I could not resist myself linking it to my blog. She is one of the finest painters in the contemporary times and who is highly inspired by Nature's beauty. To know more about her works please click NISARGA Art Prints

my room

In one of the rooms of mine he studies,in another one he takes his meal, in one of them he sings ,sleeps in the other. He rents all the four rooms of my heart He is none but sorrow. - Nilim Kumar
