Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Raindrops Have Gone Mad Today

The rain drops today look like opium in their head
They all have gone mad,
They don’t sit on rose petals today.
They don’t make bubbles and
Look so restless more.

I want to get close to you today,
So that I can smell the beetle-nut in your mouth.
I wish I had few more fingers
To roll thorough your hair.
The emptiness that touches every cell of the breeze.

Today raindrops are so impatient,
Looks like they want to embrace the clouds again.
Kiss the cloud myriad and feel the warmth.

Father, I don’t want to come far away from you again.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wonderful dear, raindrops were in their mood or it just reflection of our moods?

The composition is excellent.. keep writing...


Jolly said...

touching Paras...u missing dad and thats so so evident...a lil sad that u didnt inform me of the new post...like I told u Paras, my perceptions are all coloured by my emotions that are so clingy that people want to distance themselves, and each one says it in his own way, the end result is the same- a void called life...

Pritisha said...

When emotions need to spell out their meaning..they flow through words..and its father who taught us what raindrops are...so why wont ur raindrops go mad? amazing poem..

Hep Joan said...

Left speechless again, buddy. Hope that Uncle gets weell soon. We are so faaaaaaaaaaaar away from home :(

Unknown said...

ummmahhh....u r marvellous...

KraftInn said...

bhaal hoise

Ritwik Banerjee said...

Loved the poem. There are a few grammatical errors that took my mind off the poetry time and again. Let me say that (the bad part of this comment) before moving on with the poem itself:

"The rain drops today looks like opium in their head" -- Did you mean The rain, drops today, looks like opium in their head? I ask this because otherwise, drops, being plural, should be followed by look like, not looks like.

"touches every cells of the breeze." -- again, this should be touches every cell of the breeze.

Ok. That's it. End of grammar bashing. The poem (I mean the essence of poetry that it exudes) is wonderful. I absolutely fell in love with your desire for a few more fingers to roll through his hair.

Keep writing, and I shall be coming back time after time. :)

P.S. Can you allow people to comment using openID? I really don't want to use my blogger profile for commenting.

Jolly said...

I totally disagree with Ritwik. This poetic license my dear, and with the thoughts so poignant, who cares about mundane grammar?

Pramathesh said...


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