Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Curtains

The curtains
They are not here anymore
Tonight, the moonlight penetrates like
Your sight did my soul, ages back.
I want her not to sleep for I am afraid to 
Not being able to hear the sweetest 
knock on the door tomorrow morning

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BURDEN by Shobha Goswami

One of Shobha Goswami's finest paintings that I am so impressed with that at the first glance I could not resist myself linking it to my blog. She is one of the finest painters in the contemporary times and who is highly inspired by Nature's beauty. To know more about her works please click NISARGA Art Prints

my room

In one of the rooms of mine he studies,in another one he takes his meal, in one of them he sings ,sleeps in the other. He rents all the four rooms of my heart He is none but sorrow. - Nilim Kumar
