Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tumi Shramik Hoiu Premik

Rabha jodi mur kalam hoi
tenehole mur kolome okol
Premor kobita kiyo likhe

Rabha, monot pore ne tumar xai
stationor platform, PWDr rastar
Sharamikor tambut kotuwa raati.

Priyobalak heruwai tumi ghuri phura
Xei rasta aaru stationot paamne atiya
Tumar pododhuli bisari?

Rabha tumi biplobi
Janatar ashru jodi tumar ashru hoi,
tenehole Pitri hridoy tumi kot heruwala?

Moi bhabu-
Axonkhyo janatar jodi tumi hendali,
Tumar hendali kot?

Rabha, tumak aaji paam kot?
Civilor xonmukhot tukari bai thoka
Bhikharituk tukarile
Pam ne Rabha tumak?
Ne mur Preyokhir hridoyot
Thakibo para tumi?

Tumi Bordoisila hoi porojonomot
Tumi premik hoi, pitri hoi xubhologonot
Kora puron Jonotar opurno aaxa!

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One of Shobha Goswami's finest paintings that I am so impressed with that at the first glance I could not resist myself linking it to my blog. She is one of the finest painters in the contemporary times and who is highly inspired by Nature's beauty. To know more about her works please click NISARGA Art Prints

my room

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