Sunday, March 22, 2009

Someday Try to Love Someone Like I Do

Tonight the full moon shines like never before
The milky evening peeps through my window
And says “ Why awake?
Let your eyes close and you float.
The moon in your dream is far beautiful than
The moon in my lap.
She will stay always close to you
And would never go away when the dawn breaks”
I steal some light from this evening tonight
Take it in my blue bowl
And when I see a vivid reflection of mineI reply
“ I don’t dream now a days,
And I have started hating onions”
Someday, try to love someone like I do.
It hurts when dream breaks.
But I encounter truth today
Where I smile when I see you.
Come tonight in my dream again
I will embrace you like the blue sky cuddle the moon tonight


Jolly said...

the emotion is so tender...very well portrayed....keep it up paras

Pramathesh said...


little by little , bit by bit said...

i hate the onion too....
nice one...

ChAnDa said...

wow.. its beautiful

MomentaryLapse said...

Another masterpiece...A round of applause for it!!!!

Unknown said...

Amazing work, friend!!!! Keep writing....

Paras said...

Thank you so much Netha. Saw your blog too. Ur writings are very content yet vast. Keep writing

Unknown said...

The last lines are really beautiful , "I will embrace you like the blue sky" and one can definitely witness our lives like the moon that goes thru phases .

BURDEN by Shobha Goswami

One of Shobha Goswami's finest paintings that I am so impressed with that at the first glance I could not resist myself linking it to my blog. She is one of the finest painters in the contemporary times and who is highly inspired by Nature's beauty. To know more about her works please click NISARGA Art Prints

my room

In one of the rooms of mine he studies,in another one he takes his meal, in one of them he sings ,sleeps in the other. He rents all the four rooms of my heart He is none but sorrow. - Nilim Kumar
