Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pursuit of Happyness- MOVIE REVIEW

“I Cried with Smith , I laughed with him”. That’s what exactly I did while watching the movie. Will Smith at his best in this movie. Gabriel Muccino’s one of the finest direction is Pursuit to Happiness.
The best part of the movie is the identification. Anybody who watches this movie can identify himself or herself in some point or the other in his or her life. He is a normal person who has bad days and good days in life but he still try to find joy in his bad days.
This movie is an inspiring and motivational one. It teaches us to try to be positive at every phase of life.
I would recommend this movie to anyone who is happy or sad or angry or frustrated or in love or in hate or who has just came to this world.. Must watch.. would like to cry and smile with will smith over and over again …

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One of Shobha Goswami's finest paintings that I am so impressed with that at the first glance I could not resist myself linking it to my blog. She is one of the finest painters in the contemporary times and who is highly inspired by Nature's beauty. To know more about her works please click NISARGA Art Prints

my room

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